Creative Therapy Program
Rachel's heART creates a safe and inspired environment for youth to express and share their voice through the positive outlet of creativity.
Rachel’s heART is named after Hollywood director and VOTC Board member, Mel Damski's mother.
Damski escaped the Holocaust as a teenager and immigrated to the United States to start a new life and offer her future family a safe environment to grow and prosper. At 80-years-old, she began painting for the first time. It benefitted her life in indescribable ways and released trauma she had been carrying for decades. Painting enhanced the last years of her life and brought a smile to her face.
When she passed away she left a legacy and a dream that everyone, especially youth, can benefit from the gifts of painting and creative expression. The program is thus called Rachel’s heART in her honor.
Help youth around the world reach their full potential.
When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed. – Maya Angelou